The Unstoppable MBer's Wiki

I decided to say something that wasn't fangirling about bands or YouTubers for once.

So instead I'm going to tell you all why you never see me on Chat.

This speaks for itself.

2-I feel like I'm intruding.
Literally, unless someone actually asks me to go on Chat, I usually won't, because I feel like they don't want me there.

3-Similar to 2, I feel like I shouldn't be there.
Basically, if there's one person on Chat, I assume they're waiting for someone else and don't want me there. If there're two people, (or three or four people), depending on who it is, I won't go on because I assume they're having having some sort of conversation that they don't want me included in. *shrugs* Any more than that and I feel like it's too crowded.

4-stupid iPad and wifi.
Again, pretty much speaks for itself.

Yeah. Pretty much. \(^_^)/ (I love doing that face...)
